MIC Night Liability Waiver
I hereby acknowledge and certify that I, being of lawful age, and in consideration of being permitted to gain access to and participate in any and all activities, events or gatherings for the year of 2023 or at any future date and time located on or around 1907 Freshly Mill Road, Irmo, SC 29063 (“Property”), release and forever discharge the Activity Provider (“Activity Provider” shall mean and include: Dave Christensen; Sarah Christensen; Christensen Revocable Trust; the Church in Columbia including its officers and members; the Carolina Christian Students including its officers, members, volunteers, and staff; and any and all neighboring or adjacent properties and property holders to the Property), the Activity Provider’s spouse, heirs, executors, or administrators from any and all claims, liabilities, obligations, promises, actions, debts, accounts, bonds, contracts, agreements, disputes, damages, demands or causes of action of any nature and kind, known or unknown, which I may have or in the future may have against the Activity Provider for or by reason of any and all injury to my person or property, including but not limited to death resulting from injury (“Damages”), that I might sustain as a consequence of my participating in any and all activities, events or gatherings on or around the Property even notwithstanding that such Damages may have been caused solely or partly by the Activity Provider’s negligence.